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homebuilt parking at Sun n Fun

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Oct 26, 2021
Eastern Tennessee
Just saw the new website for Sun n Fun and Gene Conrad proposal for homebuilt camping, parking called "the Island" IMHO you have got to be kidding. it is 3,600 feet from the four vendor hangers. And you thought the ultralight area was a far walk. I like that new homebuilt camping gives you a good view of the airshow but what I call homebuilt showplanes.. mixed with the camping tents? If I remember you have to take the shuttle tram tractor to the rental tram station then switch to get to Laird blvd to get back to the center of the event.They used to have rows and rows of showplanes just north of the four hangers on display but homebuilt camping area like vintage area was farther away from the center of action. The non-aviation crowd was less likely to visit unless they were seeking you out. A lot of guys/girls camping under their planes were camping not neccessarily showing/displaying their aircraft. Any other thoughts on the new arrangement?