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EAA Experimenter Cover ! .... an Honor

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Bill Clapp

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2015
Valdosta Ga
For those interested in a fun read..our W8/10 Wittman Tailwind made the cover of the Experimenter Online Magazine this month. Kyoung and I would like to thank the EAA for that honor and priviledge. It was an exciting thing to do and a challange as well. Flying formation behind a Cessna 210 with a guy hanging out the cargo door (in a harness of course) was a thrill. It was a first for my wife to fly so close to another plane but she was all smiles. If you ever get the chance to work with some great people like the EAA - take it.

Here is the article: Experimenter - MAR 2015

Look for one on the Saberwing in the future....