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Career Day EAA Style (Elementary School)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Did a quick search and found a few interesting tidbits of information but thought I'd ask a general question about this. A grandchild presented me with a request (and paperwork from the school) about participating in Career Day and talking to students in 3rd-5th grades about airplanes.

I found this from @Victor Bravo - https://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/...eral-aviation-today.29368/page-33#post-791713

I'd love to be able to trailer a project into the event (or land mine on the back lawn) but as of now I don't know of a project that I can use although I'll query the EAA chapter at our next meeting. I believe I'll be able to Wi-Fi my iPad to a smart board if the events are inside (haven't heard the details yet) but from what I know so far they really appreciate having these events outside. So I can bring plans, parts, magazines, equipment, ect.

How about some brain food from the group for ideas that some of you may have used or ways that might be innovative in drawing the interest of children roughly 9-12 years of age?

I believe this will be a good venue to explain that our Young Eagles program means these children can get a plane ride as a YE at no cost provided the parents are willing for that to happen. Perhaps when the child goes home and is all excited the parents will call or come out to see what all the ruckus is about!

Tips, hints, suggestions?

