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Aircraft Engine Rebuild Video for sale

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New Member
Mar 23, 2003
Franklinton, Louisiana
Aircraft Engine Rebuild video


Originally shot on 16mm film by the US Government in 1945, these
films were converted to videotape and are an invaluable source of information for anyone considering rebuilding his own engine.

In this series of films, a Continental A-65 is totally torn down and rebuilt, and each step is described in detail. The quality of the image suffers a bit from being converted from films over 50 years old,
but it is still quite enjoyable and informative. Only $30, includes shipping.

Steve Vise
48084 Hwy 10
Franklinton, Louisiana 70438
(985) 839-4527

You can also pay using your credit card with PAYPAL at www.paypal.com. Just send it to my email address : [email protected]

