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  1. N

    Modern opinions of Murphy Moose and Alternatives

    The title basically says it all. I want to hear y'all's opinions on the Murphy Moose and the alternatives of it (bearhawk and such). I am pretty interested in the Moose after looking into things like the LS3 conversion but I am also inexperienced in aviation. (I also seem really good at finding...
  2. Daleandee

    1st Corvair powered Murphy Rebel

    This just came up on William Wynne's blog. Not a lot of information yet but something to watch as Rob goes through testing ... Story is here: Rob Schaum’s Corvair / Rebel
  3. Ardent

    Murphy Rebel 50%, Prince George B.C. $13,000US or add O-320

    Evening, I have two Rebels, one flying on floats and one part way build that I’ve decided to part with, as a direct result of having the one flying on floats. I’d estimate the build at 50%, and everything but the landing gear appears to be there. The spar / wing inspection hasn’t been done, but...
  4. G

    Murphy Rebel Project for Sale

    $15000. Wings complete minus wet wing finish work. Tailfeathers complete. Rear fuselage nearing completion. Includes float and rear floor/sleeping area materials, and tools (pneu rivet puller; hole spacer; drill and bits; clecos; etc.). The complete kit includes engine mount for O235 and my...
  5. P

    Murphy Moose Kit, almost complete

    Constructed by two very experienced kit plane builders ( 6 others between them). Death of partner forces sale. The airframe is 95% complete with all updates and modifications done as per Murphy Aircraft's recommendations. The wings are installed and the flaps and ailerons have been rigged. All...
  6. P

    Murphy Renegade Spirit Kit

    I Have the newer style rectangular main spar partial parts kit, This has plans, build manuals [old and newer] , all bent pcs ribs ect, fiberglass parts, extrusions,and any hard to make parts Plus a prop. winshield, tailwheel and bracket, pito tube and about all the aditional aluminum tube and...