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  1. M

    Floats for Fly Baby

    As a carryover from another thread, originally about a possible UL version of the Buhl Pup, I am exploring the idea of building a Fly Baby specifically for the purpose of mounting it on straight floats. On Page 9-5 of his Fly Baby Builders Manual, PB writes: "The designer of FLY BABY intends...

    Why aren't we still using these?? (in-wheel suspension)

    I came across this old promotional add for an aircraft wheel that incorporates leaf-spring type suspension into the wheel spokes. I did a little more research and found some additional photos, as well as the manufacturer's test. My question is: Why are we not still using these? This seems like...
  3. M

    Rigid gear for LSAs?

    I'll try asking this a different way: Do any of you have experience flying an LSA with rigid gear (no suspension other than the tires)? I know FlyBabys are designed this way (with the gear as an integral part of the airframe structure. I understand some Pietenpols are built this way. I am...
  4. M

    Gear options for FFP Celebrity?

    As I've posted on previous threads, for several years I've been in the strange position of building an airframe (Flitzer Goblin) for which I had no suitable motor, all the while owning a motor (Rotec2800) for which I had no suitable airframe. For the Goblin, I recently (by aircraft building...
  5. N

    Trouble with plans..

    Hi everyone! I'm working on to calculate the roughly cost of a single place wooden airplane to build. Because the cost is most important aspect of homebuilding for me:) I have downloaded a minimax wooden airplane plan for free, thanks to team minimax:) Also I have bowers flybaby kit plan in...