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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2003
Jupiter, Florida
Well, with all the rain we've ahd lately, I've really made some progress ont he Duce! The right wing is now covered, taped, gusseted, sewn, drain holed, etc. (not necessarily in that order!), and has it's first spray coat of Polybrush. Two ailerons and the left wing to do!!!

This weekend, depending on FedEx, I may be able to finish my instrument panel with the addition of tach, EGT/CHT/OilP & T, and Transponder/encoder. Of course, we also have a pancake breakfast/Young Eagle Fly at F45 that I need to help at, so maybe it won't quite get all done.

Let's get this list moving - it seems to be a bit stagnant.

John S - you never called me back for the TC visit! And you were gone to Mississippi or somewhere when I called you!

Maintain thy airspeed lest the earth arise and smite thee -