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ESA 2023 Western Workshop Lecture Videos

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 29, 2005
Orange County, California
The Experimental Soaring Association held its 2023 Western Workshop symposium at Tehachapi's Mountain Valley Airport on September 2-3, 2023. We have videos of most of the lectures, posted to the ESA YouTube channel with permission of the speakers. This thread will link to those videos as I complete editing them and cleaning up the video and sound. Until I get all the videos posted, I'm going to keep this thread locked so that they're viewable in one string, rather than interspersed with discussion. Once they're all here, I'll open it up for comments.

I have posted on-site trip reports from the event here: Experimental Soaring Association 2023 Western Workshop & Symposium

Enjoy and learn!

NOTE: Our normal videographer was unexpectedly absent from the event this year, so all the raw video was shot (by me) with a hand-held cell phone camera. I turned on image stabilization, which helped, but there's only so much you can expect from a cell phone. I've cleaned up the sound with some of Adobe Premier Pro's new audio tools, and I've deliberately darkened the darker tones in the video and bumped the contrast, to show the images on the projection screen as well as possible. It was a fairly bright room and there wasn't a lot of contrast between the screen and the surroundings in the first place. The limiting factor is that my phone was constantly adjusting the exposure as the projected images brighten and darken, and how I've adjusted the video enhances that. Beyond a certain point, it gets really annoying, so that was the limiting factor. What you'll see is the best compromise I could achieve.

Recommended: Open up the video in YouTube, rather than the small presentation here.
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