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EarthX Lithium Batteries has new STC's added to their AML list!

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Apr 12, 2021
As many of you on this forum have multiple aircraft, we wanted to let you know..........EarthX has just added more STC’s approvals for the following Cessna aircraft: ;)
  • C177, 177A, 177B, 177RG
  • C180, 180A, 180B, 180C, 180D, 180E, 180F, 180G, 180H, 180J, 180K
  • C182, 182A, 182B, 182C, 182D
  • C185, 185A, 185B, 185C, 185D, 185E, A185E, A185F
This STC replaces the original aircraft battery, the G-35 lead acid battery. Dare to compare!

ModelWeightCold Cranking Amps
ETX900-TSO5.4 pounds390
G-3527 pounds250


Instant weight saving of 21.6 pounds.

Increase in cranking power of 140 amps.

Life span is rated at 6 years.

Does not freeze, corrode, or boil over. No lead and no acid.

Increase your usable load.

Save on fuel costs.

Increase your climb rate.

Shorter take off roll.

Initial investment for the battery and STC kit is $894. The STC paperwork is offered free of charge.

Other Cessna models with STC approval are:


EarthX mission is to invest time and resources in the general aviation market to develop new; better; and advanced technology in the starter battery market and replace the 170+ year old technology, one of the oldest technologies still in use. EarthX has several other aircraft models with STC’s and many more are coming. EarthX is also “getting the lead out” of current Type Certificated aircraft straight from the factory, the future is “light” and “bright.”

Check it out at www.earthxbatteries.com or call EarthX at 970.674.8884