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EarthX Lithium Batteries and EAA Air Venture 2023 Show Special!

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Apr 12, 2021
EarthX would like to thank all of those who are already using our lithium batteries and being such awesome supporters on this forum! As a special thank you, we are letting you know here in advance that EarthX will have a special promotion for the 2023 EAA Air Venture show if you are interested to upgrading your battery or in need of any of our accessories. The promo will go "live" July 24th and will last until August 7th. Please email us at [email protected] to get the details.

EarthX is committed to advancement in the aviation industry and is the only lithium battery that has achieved TSO FAA approval for the General Aviation market for 12V and 24V aircraft. We are also the most used and trusted lithium battery in the experimental aircraft market by not only the OEM's (Van's, Kitfox, Cub Crafters, RANS, Zenith, Sonex, Pipistrel, Flight Design, Glasair, Evolution Trikes etc.) but also with the kit builders. Thank you! We do appreciate you!

2024 will debut many aircraft manufacturers in the GA market that has made the switch to the EarthX battery in their type certificated aircraft! Wish we could tell you more but it still secrets at this point.

Side note: As fabulous as the many posts about EarthX are on this forum in search of information, I encourage you to go to www.earthxbatteries.com as we have many of the answers to the questions discussed here on the forum, or come by our booth at Oshkosh, Hangar C and ask us in person. You can always email us your questions as well as we welcome the opportunity to assist you.

Fly Lightly,
Kathy Nicoson