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Mini/ultralight instruments

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Active Member
Jan 29, 2022
Good day friends.

I am in the midst of building my Ch701 kit and am pondering avionics.

My mission for the aircraft is very simple. Keep everything as spartan as possible (KISS strategy). I am being relatively frugal with weight and prefer a very minimalist cockpit. All flying is going to be VFR low level/slow. Think fair weather back country strips, gravel bars, puttering around exploring etc.

I do plan on running adsb/Ipad flush mounted ( adsb is not a requirement currently in Canada for ultralight Category aircraft- But nice).

However, as far a traditional avionics are concerned, I really do not want much more than one would find in a trike. I would prefer if possible to have mini gauges. I am relatively un-familiar with what is available.

Is there a manufacturer who offers a very basic "kit" of matching basic flight instruments tailored to this type of flying? Nothing needs to be certified etc.