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Macchi M.16 and M.20

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Tiger Tim

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
Thunder Bay
Killing time in a terminal this morning and stumbling around the internet has brought me to these: the Macchi M.16 and M.20. While the M.20 would be a cute little way to deliver yourself and a friend to a hundred dollar hamburger on a nice day, that M.16 could inspire an ultralight with more character than most people will know what to do with.

Just look at this little guy:
…and they put it on floats!
Then there’s the slightly larger, two seat M.20:
It’s like a little Italian winged bathtub. Either way, both of these planes look to me to embody the spirit of maybe a dumbed-down Flitzer. With the axle just being jammed through the fuselage like that it could appease the ‘scared of welding’ crowd. In the case of the M.16 the pilot looks to sit right on the CG so as long as there was space to get in and out you could design to cram in all sorts of different sized pilots. Looks oddly roomy in there too.

In any case, I bet Matt likes it.