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Letting it go (Taylor Monoplane Final Update)

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New Member
Mar 15, 2023
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada
So I purchased a Taylor Monoplane in March of this year and was scheduled to have it shipped to myself across Canada.

After a legitimate shipping company decided to not show up (and take my deposit) and after a savy scammer reached out to the seller to get my contact information and used that to impersonate a different shipping company, I decided to sell the Taylor monoplane back to the seller. It wasn't worth the hassle of shipping an unflyble homebuilt airplane across the 2nd largest country on earth.

I have since aquired a Zenair CH-300 that is in flying order.

It was a hard decision, but I still wanted a homebuilt airplane, just needed to be able to actually get it home without dealing with horrible people.

So that ends my brief stint as a Taylor monoplane owner. It's sad to see it go, but it was just not going to be worth the effort.

I'll still be posting here and there to get advice of modifications I make to my Zenair. Cheers.

-The Red Stripe