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Aluminum Nikasil Cylinders

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Scott Plischke Sonerai IIL N994SP
Dec 28, 2005
Amarillo, TX
Great Plains now offers the Nikasil treated aluminum cylinders. They claim a weight savings of 10.2 pounds and 2 to 3 times better cooling than cast steel cylinders. I was wondering what you think of these? Will they last as long as the steel cylinders? They're pricey but I would love to shed 10 pounds off my nose heavy Sonerai.

If the Nikasil coating is applied right, they will last a lifetime! Porsche cylinders last through multiple rebuilds.

Of course, I don't have any direct experience with them, just what I have heard and read.

they sure sound nice, but man are they expensive!

Not worth it in my opinion. Stock P/C's are under $200 and you can replace them lots of times for the money of the nickies.

They are supposed to cool better, but I've never seen any temp comparisons.. ::)