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Bill Volcko

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 1, 2020
Has anyone heard of ADSR?
When getting ready to depart Friday morning, I saw my freind in his
gyrocopter, with a mode S transponder, departing and climbing out. We had
the same destination about 20 miles south. About 5 minutes later I took off
and climbed to 1500 agl on course. My stratux box and Samsung tablet showed
the gyro about 6 miles south of me on course to our destination. He showed
up as a red circle with a short tail and a (-9)...900' below me I assume.
I called him up on the radio and said I saw him on my adsb in. He replied
that he saw me too!!!!!! At the correct altitude and over a small lake
where I was. I have no adsb out!! There were no other aircraft in the
area!! I have a Sandia 165R mode c transponder.
How is this possible?